ADSTIC TECHNOLOGY (HK) CO.,LTD was founded in 2010. ADSTIC TECHNOLOGY (HK) CO.,LTD is a famous international One Stop Purchasing Service Provider of Electronic Components. Based on the concept of Customer-orientation and Innovation, a good process control system, professional management team, advanced inventory management technology, we can provide one-stop electronic component supporting services that ADSTIC TECHNOLOGY (HK) CO.,LTD is the preferred partner for all the enterprises and research institutions.
We have established a strong relationship with the manufacturers and world-famous agents that we are focusing on selling various types of discrete semiconductor devices, such as (Diodes, transistors, IBGT modules, FET) and integrated circuit (IC, memory chips) Passive (tantalum capacitors, resistors) LED and electromechanical components (connectors, switching devices). Nearly one million stocks and real pictures and as many as one million kinds of product specifications to download, supporting customers to order samples, providing great convenience for all types of manufacturers, research institutions, universities, engineers, electronics enthusiasts.
ADSTIC TECHNOLOGY (HK) CO.,LTD accumulated over the years in exchange for a strong customers base and extensive industry customer resources, the company will not disappoint the trust of our customers, to establish a global strategic partnership with our customers, and strive to become the world's leading electronic component suppliers providers.
Buyers should always spend up to 60% of their procurement time, as twice as finding conventional parts.Based on this challenge, we consistently optimize our in-stock inventory and a global network of suppliers to reduce your procurement cycles, lower transaction costs and provide quality electronic components at competitive prices.
ADSTIC TECHNOLOGY (HK) CO.,LTD only supply new and original parts ,all of the parts are offer 365days quality warranty ,any problem with in the warranty time ,we can refund ,for more details please contact with our sales .
We have passed the ISO9001 Certification and ISO14001 Certification,This is a great quality guarantee for our customers
ISO9001 Certification
ISO14001 Certification
ISO13485 Certification
ADSTIC realized there are many fake parts in the global electronics supply chain, which would have caused serious issues and bad consequences for customers.
ADSTIC promises that all products originate from the original distribution channel and provide 365 days of quality risk guarantee. If you find that the quality of the product does not conform to the technical parameters of the original factory during the use of the product, we assume the responsibility of quality risk within 365 days.
ADSTIC realized there are many fake parts in the global electronics supply chain, which would have caused serious issues and bad consequences for customers.
Our professional test lab . Currently, there are 20+ professional engineers, of which 50% are senior engineers who provide tests in various aspects such as product appearance, performance, compatibility and solution scenarios through the prescriptive testing process and with international profession testing standards to meet diversified testing needs of global customers.
ADSTIC has more than 14+ years experience in this field and knows the importance of time. We guarantee we will arrange shipment in 24 hours after order confirmation and customer will get goods in the fastest time.
ADSTIC realized there are many fake parts in the global electronics supply chain, which would have caused serious issues and bad consequences for customers. Therefore, we firmly believe that only by obtaining sources from authorized suppliers with enhanced quality test could it be safe and reliable.